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Monday, July 11, 2016 at
7:43 AM GMT.
Highly Recommended
Pages listed here contain theological material of various types,
including works of the Church Fathers and later saints of the Orthodox
Christian Church, and work by recognized theological writers today.
(The term "theologian" is rarely used among Orthodox Christians, and
then only for a few saints whose lives, as well as their written
work, reveal God to the Church and to the World.)

Online Sayings of the Fathers
"On the Incarnation", by St. Athanasius
Works of St. Basil the Great
"The Lord's Prayer", by St. Cyprian of Carthage
"The Unity of the Catholic Church", by St. Cyprian of Carthage
St. Gregory of Nyssa Home Page
The Works of St. John Chrysostom
"An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith", by St. John
of Damascus
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Orthodox Confession
Faith And Science In Orthodox Gnosiology And Methodology
(Rev. Prof. George Metallinos)
Professor Constantine Scouteris (University of Athens Dept. of Theology)
The Orthodox Church
Christ and Culture
Christian Europe: An Orthodox Perspective
Christian Priesthood and Ecclesiastical Unity
Doxology, the Language of Orthodoxy
Formation of the Laos in and For Community
Image, Symbol and Language in Relation to the Holy Trinity
Never as Gods: Icons and Their Veneration
Platonic Elements in Pseudo-Dionysius Anti-Manichaean Ontology
The Therapeutae of Philo and the Monks
as Therapeutae according to Pseudo-Dionysius
Fr. Alexander Schmemann
The Fr. Alexander Schmemann Home Page
The "Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann" Web Site
Concerning the Ordination of Women
Notes and Comments on the "Western Rite"
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Anthym: Hesychasm and Orthodox Spirituality
Eastern Orthodox Spiritual Direction Files
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