Last modified on
Monday, July 11, 2016 at
7:43 AM GMT.
Highly Recommended
Pages listed here contain Bibles in various translations, services of
the Church, and other liturgical material -- material associated with
doing the services of the church. Some of this material is, of course,
also important theological material and links to it may be found under
Theological Material
as well.
The Daily Gospel and Epistle Readings (Old Calendar)
The Daily Gospel and Epistle Readings (New Calendar)
The WWW Bible Gateway (Multiple Translations & Languages)
The Holy Bible (Douay-Rhiems Translation)
The Deuterocanonical Books of the Holy Bible (aka The Apocrypha)
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Small Compline and Evening Prayers
The Midnight Office (Weekdays and Saturday)
A Thanksgiving Molieben
Western Rite Services
A Western Rite Gregorian Orthodox Missal
The Liturgy and Diverse Services from the
Lorrha ("Stowe") Missal
Orthodox Prayer Book
A Collection of Orthodox Christian Prayers
Orthodox Mealtime Prayers

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