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updated at the last major update of the site.
February 2, 1999
The Fr. Alexander Schmemann Home Page
Professor Constantine Scouteris (University of Athens Dept. of Theology)
The Orthodox Church
Christ and Culture
Christian Europe: An Orthodox Perspective
Christian Priesthood and Ecclesiastical Unity
Doxology, the Language of Orthodoxy
Formation of the Laos in and For Community
Image, Symbol and Language in Relation to the Holy Trinity
Never as Gods: Icons and Their Veneration
Platonic Elements in Pseudo-Dionysius Anti-Manichaean Ontology
The Therapeutae of Philo and the Monks
as Therapeutae according to Pseudo-Dionysius
Faith And Science In Orthodox Gnosiology And Methodology
(Rev. Prof. George Metallinos)
February 1, 1999
EvangOrtho: The Evangelical Protestant/Orthodox Christian Mailing List
Kommission der Orthodoxen Kirche in Deutschland
The "Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann" Web Site
The Orthodox Christian
University of Athens Department of Theology, Athens, Greece
The Carpathian Connection: A Carpatho-Rusyn Heritage Site
OCNET: The Orthodox Christian Network
January 31, 1999
The Silver Icon Studio
Vladimir Blagonadezhin
Tregubov Studios
The Jubilee of the Orthodox Church of Greece
The Electronic Library of the Orthodox Church of Greece
Orthodox Church of Greece
Orthodox Prayer Book
News in Greek from the Orthodox Church in Greece
News in English from the Orthodox Church in Greece
Christ the Savior/Holy Spirit Orthodox Church, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.
Vojislav Lukovic, Icon Painter and Restorer

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